Tuesday 6 July 2010

Six more sleeps to go!!!

Or maybe five, depending on how long the packing takes on Sunday night - though I'm sure nobody will be leaving it that late! Recently I have been on a different countdown. Every summer I mark GCSE exam papers and when 393 of them arrived three weeks ago, I did wonder how on earth I was going to get them done before the weekend. Well, I'm down to my last 20 and can finally start getting excited about next Monday!
I tested out my poetry lesson on some visiting Year 6 children today, although it's really hard to know how it will go down in the schools out there. The poem we're looking at is called 'A Case of Murder' and I am going to get them acting it out, so we might all need our drama skills! I think thet are just going to love whatever we do.
Anyway, marking break over...must get to the bottom of that pile!
Mrs B x

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