Sunday 4 July 2010


8 days left!
Today like Rosie, I finished getting together all the medicines and precautions we have to take when in Uganda. I also bought with money my mum has sponsored to the Uganda trip; lots of exciting school posters, pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, colouring books and rulers. We will take the Stationary and posters over to Uganda so we can decorate the class rooms and give the children stationary in both schools! The paint for the classrooms we will be purchasing in Uganda as it is too heavy for a flight and also can contribute to Uganda's economy even if it's just a little bit. We will also be buying seeds to plant trees there. Tomorrow we will be planning how and what we will be teaching the children in the classrooms. We are planning lessons in English french and science. However there will be plenty of fun singing and dancing!!

Kat :)

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