Monday 26 July 2010

Last posting from Uganda!

Since we fly home tomorrow I suspect this will definitely be our last posting from Uganda. It's hard to believe we've been here two weeks. We've had a superb couple of days, visiting the source of the Nile on Saturday and the Equator on Sunday. The weekend was rounded off perfectly last night with an evening of traditional African dancing at the main culture centre in Kampala. The dancing was performed in an open air theatre and we sat at tables and ate our meal as we watched the different groups perform- towards the end of the evening we did have to move inside as the heavens opened. Yes, that happens quite a lot in Africa too. One of the groups of children we saw had come straight from performing for all the African leaders who are currently meeting in Kampala. They did a very powerful dance about the 'African Woman' and the dangers of pregnancy.
Today we're visiting another Primary School (where Simon's wife teaches) and then a state secondary, which I suspect will differ quite dramatically from Ssaku. Tonight we're out for a meal to celebrate the end of our trip.
Anyway, I think I can hear the bus. See you in England!

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