Wednesday 26 May 2010

Bag Pack

Last Saturday the team headed off to Morrisons on what I can quite safely say was the hottest day of the year... so far, fingers crossed. In our Uganda hoodies, (I know you haven’t seen those yet) photos will be up soon, we made our way to the tills with our buckets and began the six hour bag pack.

The weather meant that everyone was buying food for barbeques and that meant easy conversation with the customers. Throughout the day I met a variety of different people who were more than happy to share anecdotes, give tips and opinions about travel and culture they had experienced on their own travels to Africa. One man I met told me that his daughter is currently studying international relations at a university in Ghana, but will be back home in England by the end of the week because she has recently contracted malaria. If he could give me any advice it would be to ‘TAKE MY MALARIA TABLETS’. Or I will be taking tablets every day, three times a day for a year. Awesome.

In total we raised an amazing £840.00 I know we all saw some familiar faces throughout the day, so a big thanks to them and to everyone else who donated money, thank you also to; Mr McCardle, Mrs Mills, Mr Blakemore and Mrs Bushby, who came and gave an extra hand with packing.
- Rosie

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